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Water Treatment Plant Expansion Required 3D Scanning

Location: San Patricio, Texas

Task: An engineering firm was generating construction drawings to expand an existing water treatment plant. The firm required accurate field conditions in raw point cloud data (.rcp files and related supporting files) to create new layouts for construction. The firm was located in California, it was important that they had accurate information digitally to begin design planning.

Challenge: No drawings existed for this water plant. The client needed exact dimensions to plan for modifications and fabricate pipe to complete the plant expansion.

Solution: Using the Leica P20 ScanStation, TruePoint’s Texas project manager completed 40 scans of the building to capture walls, windows and doors; piping 2" and larger, including valves and flanges; structural steel, columns and pipe supports; mechanical rooms and MEP equipment; plus the grade and deck. 3D laser scanning provided the engineering firm complete as built documentation, including the critical tie points on top tanks and lines, information that was crucial to the renovation. In one day on site, enough scans were taken to create a complete colorized point cloud of the space.

Deliverables: The client received a colorized point cloud in ReCap (.rcp files and related supporting files) and JetStream Viewer files.

Added Value: TruePoint 3D laser scanned a large amount of square footage quickly and delivered the scan data in a timely manner.

TruePoint is experienced in providing 3D laser scanning services for water and waste water treatment plants. We have worked with facilities from 40 MGD to 1 BGD. We provide as built documentation for the interior and exterior of buildings; foundations; structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing features; equipment, motors, conduit and piping down to ½ inch diameter. We can work directly for municipalities, engineering firms and privately owned facilities.

For 3D laser scanning services in San Antonio Texas, call 210-607-0800 or email

3D Laser Scanning of Water Plant Site in New Jersey

Accurate as built data was needed to expand an existing water treatment plant.

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40 laser scans were taken in one day to create a precise and complete point cloud of the project site.

Colorized point cloud of the water treatment plant purification system

Colorized point cloud of the water treatment plant purification system.

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Point cloud screenshot of water treatment plant.

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Colorized point cloud of piping and equipment.

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Colorized point cloud screenshot of water treatment plant pump room.
