
TruePoint's raw data inside tank

Case Study: Water Tank Analysis

Location: Near Denver, Colorado

Task: To scan the interior and exterior of a two-million-gallon water storage tank and provide a detailed tank analysis. The county was interested in documenting and monitoring any changes in the shape of the tank and the contouring of the floor and ceiling slabs over time.

Challenge: The client needed a drawing that would show the contours of the floor and ceiling at every ½ inch and have accurate elevations. Utilizing traditional survey methods to record this type of detail would be time-consuming, and access to the tank was limited. In addition, lighting in the tank was also limited; however, a laser does not need light to capture measurements.

Solutions: In one day, TruePoint's Denver office was able to use our P-20 scanner to capture millions of measurements on both the inside and outside of the tank. We were also able to set our target tripods on existing control points, which allowed us to tie the existing elevations to every measurement point captured by the laser.

Deliverables: Our in-house architects and engineers were able to provide the client with a 2D contouring of the tank floor, a 3D CAD model of the tank, and TruViews (3D 360° images).

Added Value: By using High Definition Surveying, the client was able to have a high level of detail as well as assured accuracy. The areas where movement, low spots, or other out-of-tolerances are occurring can now be easily pinpointed and identified in the form of customized deliverables to the client.

If you are in need of as-built documentation, existing condition drawings, or a renovation, 3D Laser Scanning is an extremely accurate and efficient way to gather necessary field data. For project inquiries in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Denver or surrounding areas, call Dave Schaff with TruePoint Laser Scanning, LLC at 720.618.1029 or email at denver@truepointscanning.com.

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Denver office tying point cloud to survey control.


Denver office captures millions of data points in and outside of the tank.
