
Photo of Leica C-10 Scanner Capturing Detailed Features of the Lonz Winery Facade

Case Study: Laser Scanning Facade of Historical Winery

Location: Middle Bass Island, Ohio

Task: To Laser Scan the façade of a historic winery in order to accurately capture the detailed window openings for fabrication dimensions.

Challenge: The client needed to capture accurate dimensions of window openings to ensure proper design, build, and fabrication of the replacement windows. Traditional measurements would not only have been difficult due to access challenges but also less accurate than 3D laser scanning the data. Also, as the winter season was setting in, there was concern that if traditional measurements were taken and anything was missed, additional site visits to the remote island may not be possible and would therefore result in delayed production. Since laser scanning is able to capture more data, there is less likelihood of needing to remobilize for additional measurements. Pushing up against the winter timeline, TruePoint was able to mobilize quickly and coordinated access to the island via a local air charter provider and was able to be off the island before travel became impossible.

Solution: By utilizing 3D Laser Scanning, the entire façade was captured in just one day. Furthermore, because laser scanning is a non-contact measurement tool, TruePoint was able to safely capture the information from a distance at ground level without the use of any scaffolding, ladders, or lifts. Additionally, because of the historical nature of the site, TruePoint elected to utilize the on-board camera in order to capture full color photographs and allow the client to use the colorized point cloud.

Deliverables: TruePoint provided the raw point cloud data to the client to make their measurements in both .ptg and Autodesk Recap (.rcs) format.

Added Value: TruePoint was able to capture window openings from different angles from the ground, scanning both the left and right sides of the windows and varying the angle at which the scanner captured data from ground level, thereby providing the most comprehensive data set possible. Additionally, detail of the entire façade was captured beyond just the window openings, which will allow the client to match other building features, colors, and architectural details.

For 3D laser scanning services of historical structures or other projects in Ohio, please contact TruePoint at our corporate office: 419-843-7226, or email us at info@truepointscanning.com.

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Raw Point Cloud Data Shown with Points Colorized
